Drive: What really motivates us?

«Drive: What really motivates us?»

Daniel Pink

Category : Motivation, Psychology

What is this summary about

Daniel Pink's “Drive: What really motivates us” is the most important book about motivation, written in the world in recent years. The book is fundamentally changing our understanding of the factors that influence the results of the work, the motivation to work and to create. The author corroborates all of his thoughts with more than convincing results of hundreds of psychological studies of behavior.

Daniel Pink turns everything upside down. It displays the formula of MOTIVATION 3.0! With its help, your employees will go to work with pleasure and the staff turnover will fall to zero. 

About author:

Daniel Pink is the author of four international best-sellers, translated into 32 languages. In 2011, he was ranked among the top 50 business analysts in the world.

Summary language: English

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