A small fragment from the summary "Guerrilla marketing"

Originally published in 1984, the classic marketing book "Guerrilla Marketing" is a mandatory reading for marketers. This strategy explains how to become more creative in small businesses with a limited marketing budget to compete with stronger rivals. Jay Levinson has significantly expanded the list of guerrilla techniques, including tips with Internet sites, in the new, updated version of the book. This book is published in millions of copies while the course of guerrilla marketing is even included in the curriculum of MBA.
Guerrilla marketing is the term which appeared recently thanks to Jay Levinson. If before the beginning businessmen were frightened by the forthcoming financial investments, now numerous guerrillas marketing specialists are looking for worldwide and find effective budgetary ways for advancing of goods and services.
Guerrilla marketing differs from traditional so, how wooden scores differ from the computer. Guerrilla marketing — completely operated process based on knowledge of psychology and focused on needs of the client.
The only indicator of the efficiency of guerrilla marketing is the profit. It is characterized by high technological effectiveness, flexibility and attention to details.
Guerrillas marketing specialists seek to work with the narrow target audience and masterly combine the budgetary marketing funds.
Thanks to guerrilla marketing everyone who is ready to invest time, imagination, energy and information can succeed in business.
If you are sure of quality and need of that you sell — make the marketing program and follow it, despite difficulties.
There are 20 notable differences between traditional and guerrilla marketing:
1. Usual marketing says: to enter the market and to become stronger in it, money is necessary. Guerrilla marketing is not against money investment but considers that it is possible to invest not less effectively time, imagination, energy, and information.
2. Traditional marketing is shrouded in secret — most of the businesspersons still don't know what enters this concept: sales, website, PR … Guerrilla marketing — completely operated and controlled process.
3. Usual marketing is focused on big business while guerrilla marketing — a find for the companies with the small budget, but with the huge ambitions.
4. Traditional marketing has the mass of criteria of efficiency: sales volumes, the number of answers to the offer, cliques on websites or a flow of visitors in shops. In guerrilla marketing, there is only one indicator of efficiency — profit.
5. Usual marketing is based on experience and judgments while guerrilla marketing is based on knowledge of psychology.
6. Traditional marketing gradually develops business, altering it on the procession, while guerrilla marketing initially knows to what aim it is necessary to aspire.
7. According to the traditional marketing scheme, the business develops linearly, gradually attracting new clients. This expensive and slow way is alien to guerrilla marketing which provides growth of business in a geometrical progression.
8. Traditional marketing is aimed only at selling, guerrilla marketing — at preservation of the relations with the client.
9. Traditional marketing urges to study the market and to eliminate competitors, and guerrilla studies the market with the purpose to reveal the companies with the similar purposes and to cooperate with them which will help to cut expenses and to expand action radius.
10. Usual marketing considers that the logo representing the company is necessary, and guerrilla marketing offers memes — universal visual and verbal symbols which explain the idea.
11. Traditional marketing is "I - marketing" with stories about the company, its purposes, and products. Guerrilla marketing is "you - marketing", initially aimed at desires and needs of buyers.
12. Usual marketing is aimed at what is possible to receive from the client while guerrilla marketing, first, defines what is possible to give to the buyer.
13. Traditional marketing trusts in separate means while guerrilla marketing is convinced that only the correct combination of marketing means could lead to success.
14. Supporters of traditional marketing count the money while guerrillas marketing specialists collect new contacts that are a key to receiving profit.
15. Traditional marketing has a mistrust to new technologies, while guerrillas marketing specialists, on the contrary, are willing to implement new technologies, which provides business with flexibility and speed.
16. Traditional marketing is aimed at broad masses while guerrilla marketing seeks to narrow as much as possible target audience to have the opportunity to inform each potential client.
17. Traditional marketing is global: using radio, television and the press, it ignores details. Guerrilla marketing is focused on details, which helps to create a reputation and to hold clients.
18. The main objective of traditional marketing — to sell, while guerrilla marketing sets more realistic purpose — to receive consent to informing on your product from people.
19. Traditional marketing is a monolog while guerrilla marketing — the dialogue that makes the potential client being the participants of the marketing process.
20. Traditional marketing recognizes only television, radio, newspapers, magazines, the Internet, direct mailing while guerrilla marketing uses 200 marketing means